Completing Story An honest woodcutter and the beautiful fairy Completing Story An honest woodcutter and the beautiful fairy An honest woodcutter and the beautiful fairy Once upon a time, there lived a poor wood…
Completing Story A Liar Cowboy/ Nobody believes a Liar A Liar Cowboy/ Nobody believes a Liar. Once there lived a cowboy in a village. He used to graze cattle near a forest. It wasn't so far away fro…
Completing Story Prank is not always good with bangla meaning Completing Story Prank is not always good Pranks are not always fun It was late at night. I was taking preparation for my ensuing examination. …
Completing Story An Intelligent Boy Completing Story An Intelligent Boy On a sunny morning, a boy of eleven fears was tending cattle by the side of a railway line. Suddenly he noti…
Completing story The Dove and the Ant Completing story The Dove and the Ant Once upon a time there lived a dove in the bush of a wood. There were also some ants surrounding the bush. On…
A Foolish Crow and a Sly Fox Completing Story with bangla meaning A Foolish Crow and a Sly Fox Completing Story Once there was a foolish crow in a village near a jungle. A clever fox also lived in the jungle. He o…
Completing Story: Rima’s visit to a Book Fair. Completing Story: Rima’s visit to a Book Fair. Rima’s visit to a Book Fair Rima is a girl of HSC 1 st year at a renowned college. In the month o…
Writing story The photograph Writing story The photograph The Photograph She found it in a dusty old box in the attic, hidden under a pile of old clothes and books. It was a b…
Completing Story: Money Cannot Bring Happiness || Cobbler and Banker Completing story Completing Story: Money Cannot Bring Happiness || Cobbler and Banker Completing story Happy Cobbler There once was a cobbler who lived in a small t…
Completing story: Where there is a Will, There is a Way Where there is a Will, There is a Way It was a hot summer day. A crow became very thirsty. He flew from place to place in search of water. But he…