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Write a letter to your friend about importance of early rising || Letter Writing

Write a letter to your friend about importance of early rising || Letter Writing

 Write a letter to your friend about importance of early rising || Letter Writing

Date: .......

My Dear "Rahim", 

At first, you will take my Salam. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. I received your letter yesterday. In your letter, you wanted to know about the importance of early rising. There goes on the old saying “early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early rising is a very good habit. It makes our body fit and strong. It is good for the mind. There are many benefits of early rising. If a man gets up early in the morning, he can breathe fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. An early riser gets enough time to do more works. It is very important to the students. They get enough time to study. It is essential to keep good health. So, everybody should rise early in the morning.

No more today. Take care. You will be happy in life. Best of luck. I will write soon again. Goodbye.

Yours Loving,

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