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Paragraph Writing Road Accident

Paragraph Writing Road Accident

 Paragraph Writing Road Accident   

Road Accident: Paragraph (200 Words)

Road accident is being a massive threat to the entire world. Day by day, the number of vehicles is increasing. Especially it has been a big problem for countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and African countries. We know that the government is working so much hard to prevent an accident on the road.

The urban area and the highway is the main place where the accident happens often. A few days ago, I have witnessed a really shocking and heartbreaking road accident near Dhaka in Dhaka-Sylhet highway. I was traveling to Dhaka for a family reason. There was a long line of vehicles, because of a traffic jam.

Most of the passengers got off the bus and they were walking in the street to spend time. Suddenly, I saw, in the other lane of the road, a middle-aged woman was trying to cross the road. Transportation was normal on that lane. Lots of vehicles were going.

She waited a couple of minutes but suddenly started running. A car was coming with full speed from the opposite side. There was a massive destroy, it was directly into her. Her body went a minimum 10 feet away with the push of car. She was spot-dead.

The road became red with her blood. People were running to her and stopped the car. Few people were trying to take her into the nearest hospital. But it was pretty much sure that she is dead.

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