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Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone

Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone


Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone  

mobile phone is a great invention of modern science because a user can carry it wherever he goes out. It has made interpersonal communication very easy and fast. We can communicate with any person we like through a mobile phone.

Business communication has become easier than before with the use of mobile phones and all walks of people are benefited from it. It is also helpful for students. They can search for any query over the internet and get suggestions from their friends and teachers. It has so many functionalities such as a world clock, calculator, weather, camera, sound recorder and so on.

Thus it has made our daily life easy. It makes the world smaller and brings us all closer. But it is unfortunate that it has some negative aspects too. The radiation from mobile phones causes serious health problems. Scientists believe that causes brain tumours by mobile phone’s invisible and uncontrolled radioactivity. Especially, children and pregnant women and children should not use it at all.

Criminals use it to commit crimes. Sometimes, people are cheated and harassed through mobile phones. Many of us spend our important time using social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. Thus, our daily activities are hampered. So, we should be careful about using a mobile phone.

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