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Pahela Baishakh Paragraph for SSC and HSC

Pahela Baishakh Paragraph for SSC and HSC


Pahela Baishakh Paragraph for SSC and HSC  
Pahela Baishakh is the first day of Bangla year. Bangalees celebrate this day with traditional festivities across Bangladesh and India. Pahela Baishakh is a unique and distinctive festival to the people of all classes and religions. 

On this day, the traders open ‘Halkhata’ the new account book of the business offering sweets to their customers. The traditional events of Pahela Baishakh are to eat Panta-Hilsa, to arrange Baishakhi Mela, Bali Khela, Nagordola, Puppet show etc. These events are held in both rural and urban areas. People wear traditional dresses like Panjabi and Sari. Children wear new colourful dresses. In Dhaka, different cultural organizations arrange different types of programs on this day. The day’s first program begins from Ramana Batamul. Bangla Academy, Sishu Academy, Shilpakala Academy, Bulbul Lalita Kala Academy arrange cultural programs including singing songs, arranging drama, dancing etc. Fine arts institute of Dhaka University brings out a mass procession named Mangal Shobhajatra at the dawn of the day.

Pahela Baishakh reminds us of our customs, traditions, history and heritage.

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